A: ICAO Aero Tariffs is a comprehensive online tool that enables you to estimate Airport.
Q: Why should I choose ICAO Aero Tariffs instead of other similar products?
A: ICAO Aero Tariffs has more and complete airport charges and also provides scheme of charges from official sources like States and ACI. It has world coverage and better cost-benefit ratio than other similar tools. It’s not only an airport charges calculation tool, but also a business platform.
Q: What are the sources used?
A: ICAO collects the scheme of charges of all the airports in the system from official sources like States, airport authorities and ACI.
Q: What does the “Business Opportunities” feature refer to?
A: The ICAO Aero Tariffs can also provide the users a space to advertise, attract new clients, and create business relations accordingly.
Q: Is the application user-friendly?
A: Absolutely, no need for a tutorial, but if you want to have a quick view, please refer to the video in the product page or write to aerotariffs@icao.int for more information.
Q: How many airports are there in the system?
A: Currently, there are 1100+ airports in the system and we are working on adding more.
Q: What charges do you have in the system?
A: We have all Major Charges as well as the charges included in the Scheme of Charges of the corresponding airport.
Q: Can I keep my account if I change my email address?
A: Email address is the unique identifier for the Aero Tariff website users thus we do not recommend to change it unless really needed. Please contact aerotariffs@icao.int to change it.
Q: What if I can’t find the airport I am looking for in the system?
A: If you encounter this situation, please contact us by sending an email to aerotariffs@icao.int, we will fix the problem if we have the corresponding Scheme of Charges.
Q: How many airports can be searched in the demo version?
A: Currently there are 8 airports in the demo version. The objective of the demo is for you to know the functionalities of the system.
Q: How long can I access the demo version?
A: For two weeks.
Q: How can I use the system?
A: Refer to the Product tab to watch a tutorial video. Should you have any questions, please contact us at aerotariffs@icao.int.
Q: How does the Benchmarking feature work?
A: Some functionalities are shown in the video in the Product page. You can compare several airports to see the difference in charges or several airports of one country. You choose what you want to compare.
Q: How frequent you update the airports charges?
A: All the policies you can find in our system are most updated and official. The updates are done as soon as a new scheme of charges is received.
Q: Can I download the calculation results?
A: Sure, you can either view the calculation results on our website or download the PDF or excel formats.
Q: Are all the data and information in the system true? How do you guarantee the data?
A: Our database has the data collected from official sources. You can download the scheme of charges from the system.
Q: How can I get the scheme of charges?
A: You can either download from Scheme of Charges Tab filtering by State or from the Estimation Tab when calculating for a specific airport.
Q: What does the Benchmarking tab refer to?
A: In the Benchmarking tab you can compare the charges of different airports either from the same country or different ones across the globe. The results will be displayed in US Dollars for a better comparison if the airports selected do not have the charges in the same currency. You will also be able to download the results in pdf and/or excel formats.
Q: What browser can I use to connect to the ICAO Aero Tariffs?
A: ICAO Aero Tariffs can be accessed using MS Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Google Chrome for Windows or Mac. However, if you have any difficulties in using our system, please contact us at aerotariffs@icao.int.
Q: Do I need to download a plug-in?
A: No, just open your browser and enter the URL for the website.
Q: I am the member state of ICAO, is it free for me to use the system?
A: Only the module Scheme of Charges is available free of charge to an official institution designated by the ICAO Member State (one single-user annual subscription per State).