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Make a registry for the web site 165 users consultation by day...will be $9.99 box by month or $99 by year...with special feature for subscriptor to be developed, like special download or anwsering specific questions. ICAO Geographic Information System (GIS) services provide ICAO Member States and the aviation industry with a wide variety of high-quality maps including but not limited to air navigation and location, flight planning, Air TrafficFlow Chart from different year and prediction for the futur, airport connectivity, ICAO ETOD obstacles (Profil tool ICAO Aerodrome Operational Planning World) , waypoint, ICAO ICARD 5 Letter Name Code (5LNC), navaids, ATS Routes , state boundaries, water boundaries, ICAO Drone Safe to fly for the World (Drone apps), WGS84 implementation, Language Proficiency Requirements (LPR), ICAO ePassport issuing States Participants in Public Key Directory (PKD), ICAO Fuel Burn NOx CO2 CAEP (Environnement), ENV ICAO 2013 WORLD CO2 STUDY FIR FLIGHT FLOW STATISTIC 2010, Doc 7910, Doc7100, ATS DATA LINK, Air Traffic Flow Management (ATFM), SAT/VHF radio services, Civil and Military Upper air space (UAS), VACC volcanoes, earthquake analysis and other. ICAO Flight Information Region (FIR), Fastest Growing FIRs maps are key air space maps used by the airlines, air navigation services, airports and the national civil aviation authorities to regulate and service air traffic worldwide. In addition, ICAO GIS offers customized maps with valuable geographical, traffic/air navigation information, e.g. FIR elevations, mountain profile, volcanos or other obstacles using a number of proprietary ICAO databases. Any questions: take a look of the
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Aeronautical data a gis services and trucs for the user


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