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ICAO has an extensive experience with interactive GIS (Geographic Information System) data visualization services. Starting from 2002, first with ArcIMS 1.0 and now with ArcGIS server 10.2, we have been providing map creation and information technology (IT) services using advanced hardware resources like the ArcGIS Server configured on a Microsoft SQL Server Express platform and an enterprise geodatabase configured on Microsoft SQL Server Standard in the ICAO cloud - the latter two running in Windows 2008 R2. We would like to invite you to reduce your local infrastructure costs by using our resources and GIS expert experience. Price: Must be a contract with ICAO for the creation of a map and GIS Service costs at least $2500 for one week (depending on the complexity); ICAO cloud GIS the estimated cost per month for one instance would be $150 for small size (more details to come) Any questions More Info
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Global or local because depending of your need


ICAO gis services


ICAO GIS Services became a good digital value for your organization


Acces to very hight level of competency for GIS SERVICES


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