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ICAO operational data compilation for Traffic Flow
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ICAO Traffic Flow Forecast from history 2002 and 2010 and City-Pair Grow we create 2020,2030,2040, The 2010 data on aircraft movements traffic was sourced from the Official Airline Guide (OAG) and grouped by 32 major traffic flows worldwide. The projections for the years 2020, 2030 and 2040 are a by-product from the results of a commercial aircraft fleet-mix forecast model developed by the ICAO Secretariat in 2013 . The main function of the model is the prediction of the aircraft fleet mix (aircraft by seat class) operated on each route. The commercial aircraft fleet is grouped into 9 seat classes (depending on the number of seats on the aircraft). The model uses as input ICAO forecasts by traffic flow along with assumptions on the future evolution of load factors, aircraft utilization, aircraft retirement curves among other parameters. The model output includes the aircraft fleet mix operated on each route along with the number of movements, available seats and aircraft utilization. 2040: 4,300 Cities for 43,559 Routes and 87,000,000 movements 2030: 4,300 Cities for 43,559 Routes and 64,000,000 movements 2020: 4,300 Cities for 43,559 Routes and 45,000,000 movements 2010: 4,300 Cities for 43,559 Routes and 30,230,000 movements Based on the most recent ICAO forecast and with the assumption of a fixed route network. More Info: Buy ICAO new product all Data in shape files to make that forecast for the Map "FLOWCHART 2010 2020 2030 2040 NATGEO" for $3000
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Traffic flow forecast 2010 2020 2030 2040


Annual Traffic Flight Movements became a good digital value for the futur of Aviation


Acces to very hight level of data compilation in Traffic Flow


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